Last week Khloe and Jaden came down with RSV. Little Jaden ended up in the hospital but Khloe fought her way through it and was able to stay out of the hospital. They are doing better this week.
Khloe had a a pre-op visit with her reg doc, this past Tuesday for her ABR (BEAR) test that she is to have next week Friday (March 5). Dr Frost will not sign off on it yet as she still sounds icky and doesn't want her sedated if she still sounds bad next week. She will be sedated for 2-2 1/2 hrs in the OR at Methodist. This test will tell them how her hearing is. We are so excited to get the results.
We went to her ENT doc today for a check-up. They found that Khloe has infection in her right ear. It is infected where they put the tube in at. It was so full of infection that they couldn't even see the tube today. (She has not been able to wear her hearing aids since getting her tubes in) They had us go to a different room and they strapped her down (With daddy and I having to hold her down as well) and they put a wire in her ear and cleaned it all out. It was nasty, but needed to get done. He said that the way her ear is formed inside, the drops are not making it all the way down there. That they are just healing the first part of the ear.
We have to go back next Thursday, March 4th in the afternoon as he wants to do it one more time before her ABR (BEAR) test. That way we get a good reading on her hearing. So, now all we have to worry about is her regular doc signing off on it, so we can get it done. We are praying that her lungs start sounding better. We are doing treatments every 4 hrs now instead of every 6 hrs.
We have a new prayer request. We were told today from a family here in Newton, they were told that their son, who they are pregnant with, might not make it. He has a hydrocephalus. They are to have a c-section at Mercy Monday. Please be in prayer. We know that with God all things are possible and we pray that they will have a miracle as well. They were told that he has extra fluid on the brain just like Khloe has. Pray that all things will go well! Pray for peace for the family and a miracle for baby Adam.
I used to live in Newton and teach at TJ and some friends told me about your blog. I have been following it praying for your family and your precious little girl. What a cutie!
Glass straws work wonders!
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