Thursday, May 28, 2009


We got a call from the doctor office this morning and the in-depth amnio results came back. It shows that all 43 chromosomes that were tested came back as normal. PTL!!!!! We were soo happy! No, this doesn't mean that all is fine, it means is that she doesn't have anything else wrong with her besides what they found in the ultrasound. They told us that with what she has wrong, it usually means, they will have a lot more wrong with them. Well, God showed them! God is already working miracles!!! We are anxious to go back to the doctor on Tuesday as Lenny said that he has tons of questions for him. Was it really a bubble they saw, or was it a shadow? How can these tests come back good but they are saying she has a neural tube defect? How bad is her cleft lip? If the bubble is there, is there brain tissue in it? We have tons more questions and we are praying that they can answer them all for us next week. We are just seeing God working in her and us and praying for a miracle. We are praying that God heals her totally! There are days I just want to cry and go hide in a shell but then there are days that I can get up and conquer the world and know that God is in control, not me. I think I pray 24/7. This has brought me so much closer to God. At first I was bitter with God and life and everything. But God has put so many verses in my mind daily! I was really bitter earlier this week and that day I got something in the mail from our homeschooling (NICHE). In it they were talking about bitterness.(Gee, thanks God! He knew I needed it) In the story, it said, "Learn not to take things personally, but give hurts and disappointments to God. We must realize that bitterness seems to be directed at people, but it is ultimately toward God." It also said in there, "God allows trials to come into our lives to make us better, but satan fights to get us to become bitter." Well, that was me! I was allowing satan to win. God gave me a wake up call.

We want to thank everyone for the e-mails, cards and so many words of encouragement! You will never know what that means to us. We have started a book for this little girl, so she can see how many people were praying for her and thinking of her! If God decides to take her home, it will be wonderful to look back and see how many people were there for us and praying for her/us! THANK YOU!!!!

We go back Tuesday, we will update again, when we get back. Again, THANK YOU for all your encouraging words!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

lil Gavin said...

Thanks for reading my blog! I love to read other mom's blogs. Good luck with the baby and the rest of your family.