Friday, May 22, 2009

Our Baby Girl Needs Prayer!!

Well, I am not sure how to start....... We have found out some news this past Monday that has really shaken us up. We went to the doc for a regular check-up and then we were off to the specialist in DSM for a level 2 ultrasound. They said that since I am over 35, we just needed to get a ultrasound from a specialist to make sure all was ok. Well, the doc appt in Newton went great and I was getting nervous for the other one. We got there and we were able to see the baby. All looked great. She (yes, it is a girl) was kicking her feet and arms, I was mesmerized. Daddy was excited to hear those words, "It's a girl." During the ultrasound, they were pointing to different things and there was something that kept coming up, but the tech would never say what it was. I finally asked "What is this bubble that I keep seeing?" The tech said, "I am not sure but I am taking a lot of pics of it.It looks like it is on her neck." She then got done doing the ultrasound and left the room to get the doc. We had to wait for an hour for him as he was at the hospital delivering a baby. Once he finally came in, he did another ultrasound and then proceeded to tell us that the baby has a bubble on the back of her head. He said that it looks like the back of her head has an opening and then the bubble covers it. He was not able to see if there was brain tissue in the bubble but he said that he was almost sure there was brain damage. He said that if there is brain tissue in the bubble, then she only has a 21% chance of survival. She also has a bilateral cleft lip. He immediately wanted to do an amnio and prepped me for it right there. Needless to say that was painful and I found out later that they usually give you a shot first to numb you but he didn't want to take the time for that. (Lenny said that that might have helped him keep feeling in his hands during the process.)

We do not know why God has allowed our little girl to have so many problems. We feel like God is really testing us right now. I am asking for EVERYONE to pray for our little girl. We are praying for healing for her but if God decides not to heal her, then we are asking that He just allows her to live. We do not care if she has brain damage or a cleft lip. We will do whatever it takes for her. We love her already and we will feel proud that God thought we could handle a "special" child. We are just asking for prayer. We want her to live. Again, we are asking for healing, for a miracle, but if God doesn't give us that, we are praying for her to live. We are praying that we do not have to give her up to God already, but God knows better than us. We have our ups and downs.

The doctors have also told us that with this problem she has, they usually have many other problems. They did 2 testings with the amnio. They did a fast one and a in depth one. We got the fast one back saying that she is 100% a girl and that 6 out of the 43 chromosomes that they tested are normal. She also doesn't have Downs or Spina Bifida. So, we have gotten a little good news. We will get the rest of the test results on the other 37 chromosomes this coming week.

We go back June 2nd for another round of ultrasounds (3D) and see what else is going on. They are not allowing us to doctor in Newton anymore. We have to go to Mercy for doctoring now. We are praying that they do not see brain tissue in her bubble. We do not care about a cleft lip or anything else, we just want our baby to live! Please pray with us that God will heal her! I know that some day I will see her in heaven if God calls her home. But it will be so hard if we do lose her. We love her so much! Brady calls her his "rock star sister".

We are asking for you to keep our baby in your prayers. This is a emotional roller coaster ride for all of us. Please pray for her! We will keep updating this as we get news. You can also comment us or e-mail us at . Please put us on your prayer chain at your church. Our baby girl needs prayer! Help us lift her up in prayer!!!!! You can pass this web site on to others for prayer as well!!!!!

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