Sunday, November 23, 2008


Alyssa, Jared, Dan and Jake were heading to DSM on Saturday to see their Uncle Adam that had flown in from being overseas. Jared called and said that sis had missed her E 14th St Exit. I told Jared to tell her to take 2nd Avenue and she could get there just as easy. Well, I talked to them until they were off of I-80 and on 2nd Avenue. I told Jared to call if they needed me. Well, about 1-2 minutes later, I get a call back with Alyssa screaming telling that me that she was in an accident and there was glass all over. She kept yelling, I 'm sorry mommy, I'm sorry." We jumped in the car and ran up to DSM. I called G-MA and G-PA Arnett and asked them to go to 2nd Ave and Aurora and be with them. (I found out later that Dan called them while they were on their way. He very calmly said, "Grandma, we were all in an accident and we are close to your house. Can you please come and help us?" He said that he called as soon as he got his breath back from the seat belt taking it away. I was sooo proud of him!) We were so happy that G-MA and G-Pa Arnett and Aunt Esther were there helping with the kids and taking care of things. I can never tell them THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!!! They towed the car away as it is a gonner. They took Jared to the hospital as his eye was really inflamed and swollen. (He has a scratch on his eye with an imprint of the air bag on the eye as well.) He will go to the eye doc tomorrow again to see how it is. He has some antibiotics drops until then. The police said that if Alyssa was a few more feet out there, I might have 2 of my 4 kids really hurt, if not gone. The kids came out with hardly any scratches. Jake and Jared have burns on their neck from the seat belts. Dan has bruises on his chest and stomach from the seat balt adn Alyssa's is sore all over with bruises on her chest and for some reason, one of her forehead. Every is doing good!!!!

Alyssa has court in Jan as 1 of the 2 people from the van was injured. It could have been much worse... We are soo glad that everyone is save and home.

Lenny's car

Lenny's car
The can went up on the curb and hit into 2 parked cars.

The van

The van

View of the car.

Looking at the van


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