Wednesday, November 12, 2008


We started Hockey last Saturday. At 6:30 Friday night, Dan called me and told me that he broke his roller blades while at Skate Castle that night. Well, needless to say, I ran up to Scheels at 7 that night to buy him new blades. ($140 but on sale for $80)Len called on the way and said, "Hey, you need to grab gloves ($40), helmet($50), Elbow and Knee pads ($80), stick ($60)and a bag ($50)as well, as I think it is gross to share pads and Helmets after others have used them. (He had to have his own stick but we were going to just borrow a friends until we got up there.Well, I got up there. ) :(So, $360 later I am on my way home. OUCH!!!! Alyssa, Brady and I had fun trying things on as Dan was still at Skate castle with his friends. I made Alyssa try everything on for me to make sure it fits. She had a blast. We were planning on going Christmas shopping some after the game on Saturday but, man, my check book took a HUGE hit that night. We ended up going shopping on Sat anyway, but didn't spend to much. Let me tell you, my checkbook is CRYING!!!

Dan tied his first Roller Hockey game. We have 2 this weekend. He really enjoys the sport and has a lot of fun. I will have to get a pic of him in all of his gear.

The boys decided to make a leaf pile and go jumping in it. They had so much fun. Madi, (My cousins daughter)joined in the fun. Madi and Brady also decided to make leaf angels. They are so excited for snow to come to do snow angels.

Alyssa made the B Honor Roll. She had a 3.5. We needed a 3.6 for the A. We were close, but didn't make it. Hopefully next quarter she will make it. (It helps with her insurance to be on the A or B Honor Roll. )We are having her pay for her own insurance, so that is one reason for her to try harder, plus for College. She will start her CNA classes next year in the evening after school. She works at Medicap Pharmacy and thinks it will help her in the future as she wants to go to school to become a nurse.

Jared, Jake, Brady and Madi playing in the leaves.

Brady and Madi making Leaf Angels

Dan at his Roller Hockey game

Dan at Roller Hockey
Brady trying on Hockey AND skiiing stuff at Scheels.

Alyssa ready to play hockey. Oh, wait, where is the helmet with the cage on it? Where is your pads. They will crush you girl!

Alyssa and Mom trying on the RIGHT Roller Hockey Helmets. Do you know what those helmets do to your hair. It is SOOOO not pretty! Thank goodness there isn't a "Before and After" pic.

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