Thursday, October 2, 2008


Surprise Alyssa Hope!
Some of the people at the surprise party

Some of the people at the party!
Alyssa, Miguel and her cake.
Dan's football game on Sunday!
WE WON!!!!!!

We had a 16th surprise birthday party for Alyssa Hope! It was so hard to keep away from her. We had a great time and it was fun to see everyone there. THANK YOU! She is now officially driving as of yesterday and she is asking what she can do for me and if her brothers need to go places. (Wonder how long that will last before she is sick of toting her bros around.) LOL I will post a couple pics but most of them are on my other computer which my parents are borrowing right now since their computer died. I need to run over there and burn them on a cd. Dan won his football game Sunday against Brooklyn but we had one of our players taken off the field and taken away in ambulance. Then some of the parents got into arguements with ref's. It was a very intense game. (Not one that we want to replay.) We won though even with all the penalties our team got. YEAH!!! WE have one more game this weekend and then the 'Bowl' Game.

1 comment:

Jannie Funster said...

That sure is a (was - because I'm sure it's all gone now,) cool-looking cake. What a nice celebration.

Great blog!
