Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pumpkin Farm with Preschool

Brady and Daddy went to the Pumpkin farm with Brady's preschool. (I think he has the past 5 years with one of the kiddos. ) Brady had gotten his cast off the day before and they put a splint on that he has to wear for 2 wks. He was so happy getting that off and it made the pumpkin farm that much more enjoyable. (Not sure if I had said, but Brady got his cast wet at sissy's party. He told everyone that he did it on purpose so the doc would take it off and he wouldn't have to have one anymore. Well, it didn't work. The day after the party, Sunday, his cast started stinking like rotten eggs. So I called the doc Monday am and they had him come in after preschool and get a new one. He got neon green that time.) Anyway, it is off for good now.

We are hoping to go to a pumpkin farm yet as a family.

Last night Jake went for his first black belt class. He broke a board with his foot and loved every minute of it. The place is called "Gus' Christian Black Belt Academy'. He gets all of his gear next week Wed night. He has that every Wed night from 5:30-6:30 and then right off to Sparkies at 6:45. Jake loves to be busy.

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