Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Football Banquet and Black Belt

Jake's black belt class
Jake at Black Belt

Dan's football Banquet

Dan at football banquet

One of the gifts that Jake got

Jakes cake.

Jake had his 8th birthday on the 17th. He wanted me to make a cake. He wanted monster trucks on it and then wanted it going up a dirt pile so it looked like it was going to jump over cars. Well, I tried. It didn't turn out as good as I hoped but he was happy. All he wanted for birthday was airplanes, monster trucks and maybe an ipod to listen to as he played with his other toys. Well, needless to say, he didn't get the ipod. LOL

Dan had his football banquet this week at Okaboji Grill. It was for all the parents and kids. We had a great time. I can't believe that football is already over. Dan will start hockey in the next few weeks. That should be fun, dangerous but fun.

Jake is taking Gus's Christian Black Belt. They got their uniforms tonight. (Well, most of it. His helmet and shoes are backordered) They are doing pretty good and he enjoys it. It is so fun to sit and watch them. It is Christian based and it really teaches the kids how to control anger and ask God for help.

Saturday will be the last day for soccer. We will miss it but yet, it will be nice to be able to sleep in for a least 1 Saturday before Hockey begins. :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pumpkin Farm with Preschool

Brady and Daddy went to the Pumpkin farm with Brady's preschool. (I think he has the past 5 years with one of the kiddos. ) Brady had gotten his cast off the day before and they put a splint on that he has to wear for 2 wks. He was so happy getting that off and it made the pumpkin farm that much more enjoyable. (Not sure if I had said, but Brady got his cast wet at sissy's party. He told everyone that he did it on purpose so the doc would take it off and he wouldn't have to have one anymore. Well, it didn't work. The day after the party, Sunday, his cast started stinking like rotten eggs. So I called the doc Monday am and they had him come in after preschool and get a new one. He got neon green that time.) Anyway, it is off for good now.

We are hoping to go to a pumpkin farm yet as a family.

Last night Jake went for his first black belt class. He broke a board with his foot and loved every minute of it. The place is called "Gus' Christian Black Belt Academy'. He gets all of his gear next week Wed night. He has that every Wed night from 5:30-6:30 and then right off to Sparkies at 6:45. Jake loves to be busy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Alyssa and Landen, Ryan and Kenzie
Ben and Jessica, Alyssa and Landen
Landen and Alyssa
Our house, homecoming night. It was EVERYWHERE. Thanks guys! :)

Alyssa and Landen, Jessica and Ben at Homecoming.
The whole group of them. (No, Kenzie and Ryan didn't go, they were just there for the fun before hand.)
Jared and his "friend" headin to Homecoming
Family love.......
We lost. :(

Alyssa went to Homecoming with a friend of hers, Landen. This is his senior year and Alyssa and him decided to go together. They had fun and went with some other couples. Jared also went to Homecoming. The Middle School holds one a week before the high school has theirs. So this was his first time going. He went with his girl 'Friend' but I heard he hung out most of the time with his guy friends. He is just not into dancin and would rather be skateboarding, biking, etc. :)

Oh, Dan had his game on Sunday and we lost. We are at 3 lost 2 won. We have a 'Bowl' Game in Iowa City this Sunday. Hopefully the boys pull out a win there this weekend. Dan starts Roller Hockey in Nov. We had soccer games on Saturday. (Oct 4) Brady and Jake lost their games but Alyssa's team, that her and Jen coach, won theirs. YEAH!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Surprise Alyssa Hope!
Some of the people at the surprise party

Some of the people at the party!
Alyssa, Miguel and her cake.
Dan's football game on Sunday!
WE WON!!!!!!

We had a 16th surprise birthday party for Alyssa Hope! It was so hard to keep away from her. We had a great time and it was fun to see everyone there. THANK YOU! She is now officially driving as of yesterday and she is asking what she can do for me and if her brothers need to go places. (Wonder how long that will last before she is sick of toting her bros around.) LOL I will post a couple pics but most of them are on my other computer which my parents are borrowing right now since their computer died. I need to run over there and burn them on a cd. Dan won his football game Sunday against Brooklyn but we had one of our players taken off the field and taken away in ambulance. Then some of the parents got into arguements with ref's. It was a very intense game. (Not one that we want to replay.) We won though even with all the penalties our team got. YEAH!!! WE have one more game this weekend and then the 'Bowl' Game.