Thursday, November 19, 2009

Update - 11-12-2009

Khloe has been very busy with Doc appts. In the past month, we have gone to her heart doctor, doc for cleft lip, Pediatric ENT for airway and hearing, regular doc and a 2 1/2 hr test at Methodist for her hearing.

She still has her heart problem but they honestly think she will grow out of it. We will go back every 3 months for rechecks. So, in Jan we will go back.

Dr Franks, her doc for her lip, has decided he wants her to get a little bigger before he does surgery. So, we go back Jan 8th to set up surgery. Surgery will be either the end of Jan or first of Feb. He told us that since her cleft is not on the soft palate but only a little one her hard palate that she will only have to have 4 surgeries in her life for that instead of 5. PTL! We will take one less surgery.

We have not gone back to the neurosurgeon yet. Our appt for that is Dec 1st. We are anxious to talk with him.

We went to the Pediatric ENT for her airway and her hearing as she failed her hearing test on her right ear. They scoped her while we were there. They allowed us to stay in the room and watch it on the screen. Her airway is good! They also rechecked her hearing and she again failed her hearing in the right ear. They referred us to Methodist for more extensive testing. We went there last week for a 2 1/2 hr test. She had to sleep through the whole thing and they wanted to try it without sedating her first. She did great! She sleep the whole time with only a few cries here and there. We had to sleep deprive her and not feed her for the day until we got there. (The test wasn't until noon, so she went a while without eating.) She was so exhausted from fussing that she fell right to sleep after her bottle. The audiologist came in and said that there was hearing loss but that she would call us on Monday to talk to us about everything. Well, she called on Monday and told us about the right ear and then called Tuesday and told us about the left ear. She does have moderate hearing loss in her right ear and a little hearing loss in her left.

We had to meet with the pediatric ENT yesterday again and he said that the right ear is in need of a hearing aid right away. The left ear they are going to leave alone right now and recheck it again in 3-5 months by doing the 2 1/2 hr test again. He said that because of her age at that time they will sedate her when they do the recheck. They are setting up a time for next week to get a hearing aid. They said that they will cost $1800 a ear. I guess they think that is cheap as they said adults can be $5000 a ear. She will have to go back every 3 months for new core for her ears until she reaches a certain age and then it will go to every 6 months. It will cost $70 each time we need to get a new core.

They told us to call our insurance to see if they will pay for it. Well, according to our insurance, it is an elective for a child to hear and they will not pay for it. Gee, I am saying, "You have got to be kidding!" So, by next week, we have to pay $1800 plus the $70 for a core but insurance will not help. Not sure where it is going to come from yet, but oh well. God has provided for us always. He will again.

When I was first told that our daughter had to have hearing aids I cried. I was soo upset. I thought she a cleft lip and now hearing aids. I do not want her made fun of. But then my husband put me back into perspective. He said, "Two months ago we were afraid that she wasn't going to make it. If they were to tell us this then, we would have been so excited that this is all she has wrong." He is right! God has given us so much! What was I thinking being upset!?! We go back in Jan to the ENT but to Methodist next week to get fitted for hearing aids. Khloe's social life with doctors is slowing down a bit. It isn't weekly now, just monthly. Lol

God has been with us through this all. He will continue! He is an amazing God. Since Khloe has been born, I have heard so many people with problems and children with problems. We are praying for ALL of them. Khloe is proof that God can work miracles and He continues to work miracles daily. Please pray with us as the bills are starting to come in and they are overwhelming. We have already told our kids that Christmas will be hard to do this year. They totally understand.

Thank you ALL for all your gifts, prayers, e-mails and comments. I am continuing to print out all e-mails and comments and putting them in her book. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

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