Monday, September 14, 2009

August 28th and Sept 11th Doc Appt

We had a doc appt Aug 28th and then again Sept 11th. At the appt on the 28th, they decided on a c-section date. They planned it for Friday, Oct 9th. They called back though on the 31st to tell us that the neurosurgeon would like to have it done on Oct 7th instead. He would like to do brain sugery on the 9th, early in the morning, before the weekend. He also said that if the skin, covering the bubble, is very thin, she will have to go in surgery right away and he doesn't want to do an emergency surgery on a Friday afternoon. So, as it is planned right now, she will be born at 9am on Oct 7th.At the Sept 11th appt, they did an ultrasound and she weighs 5.7 lbs. (She gained over 2 lbs in a month) Her bubble has NOT grown since they did the ultrasound a month ago. PTL!!!! She has flipped though. She has been head down this whole pregnancy and she is now head up and feet down. Doc Wang (Dr Mandsager's partner) said that even if she was a normal little girl, we would be doing a c-section as he cannot see her moving her body around again since she is that big already. It was so cute to watch her on the ultrasound this month. She kept making faces and scrunching up her whole face. They didn't get good ultrasound pics this time as she would make the faces and then turn her head away. Then turn it back, make a face and turn away again. After the appointment, they sent us over to tour NICU at Mercy. They have really changed that since my sisters kids were in there. It is beautiful!! Every baby has their own private room now and parents get to stay in NICU 24/7 with their baby. I was teary-eyed through the whole thing. A head nurse came to get us and said that she was expecting us. Another nurse came over and said, "Oh, are these possible NICU parents?" The head nurse said, 'Oh, no, they are for sure NICU parents. This baby has a lot going on with her." I knew that we would always be NICU parents since we heard the news but hearing them say it, was hard. She explained to us what all would happen that day. She said that they would take her away as soon as she is born and rush her up to NICU. Daddy is able to follow and go with. She explained that all the specialty docs would start dealing with her up in NICU. (Her brain surgeon doc and the doc for the cleft palate/lip) They said that they would wrap her head first and then start an IV, Pik-line (I probably spelled that wrong), put her on oxygen, and a feeding tube. She will be hooked up to many monitors. They said that she will more than likely have to have a blood transfusion with her brain surgery. She said that Daddy can stay in with her for most except for the pik-line and anything else that might come up. They said that they will check her over and see what else, if anything, is wrong with her. She will get a ct scan right away to see how much extra fluid she has on the brain. I guess she has to much on 2 places of the brain now. They have strict guidelines in NICU. In Oct, they shut down NICU for anyone 14 and younger. (4 of my kids fall in that catagory and are struggling knowing that they cannot come in to see her as it goes for siblings too) Anyone over 14 has to have a flu shot to come into NICU. They only allow 1 person at a time in there with one of the baby's parents. The paternal/maternal grandparents can go in but they are not allowed to bring anyone in with them. We know that these rules are for the best of all the babies. It will be hard on our 4 young kids but it is best for all babies in NICU. The head nurse said that they might be able to bring her to the window later on during her stay to see her siblings. The kids have actually started praying that God will allow her to come the end of Sept so they can come in and see her. They have it so that mom's can monitor their baby from their hospital room or even from their own house. It is kindda like a web cam. That is soo neat!!! God has brought us this far and I know he will bring us and her through this. He is a GREAT God and has so much good in store yet for all of us. We are so excited to see what is ahead. She is in God's hands and there is no better place for her. He will guide and protect her and will help us make the right decisions through this all. Matthew 11:28 - Come to me, all you are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Isaiah 41:10 - So do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous hand. Our next appt is Sept 25th. My understanding is it will just be a short regular doc appt and we will not find anything new out that day. I am assuming that we will not hear any more til she arrives! Please be in prayer for our daughter and our whole familiy on Oct 7th. Our family will be updating and be putting pictures on as soon as she is born. We are excited to share the news with you and will as soon as she is here. Thank you for praying with us throughout these past 4 months. God is a Great God!!!

1 comment:

Travis Padget said...

Your family will be so well taken care of at the Mercy NICU! Thank you for sharing and I will look forward to reading your future entries about her progress. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts!
