Wednesday, July 1, 2009

June 30th - appt - 25 weeks along

Her hand in her mouth. She kept covering her ouchie mouth up. She doesn't like to show it off.
She is covering her eye. She was moving her one arm so it looks fuzzy.

Here is a profile picture of her. She has tiny ears and a small nose. You can see her cleft lip a little in this picture. You can tell she has filled out some from the last ultrasound pics a month ago.
We had our doc appt yesterday, June 30th. We always have an hour long ultrasound and a 45 minute doc appt. I love the hour long ultrasound and seeing her every month. She is growing great! She weighs 1 lb 6 oz. (I've gained 2 lbs in the month and she's didn't even gain a pound. Mmm..... Ha) Her bubble didn't grow, which is great! We love going every month and seeing how much she's grown. Her face has filled out and she is so much more active. I treasure EVERY kick and hiccup and movement.
While doing the ultrasound, they found that her heart would skip a beat. They took many pictures of her heart and checked every part of it. The doctor told us that he thinks that maybe it is just an immature heart and it will go away with development, but he is keeping a close eye on it. They also informed us that they are almost sure that she has a cleft palate along with her cleft lip. They cannot be 100% sure though til she is born. We asked how big her head is compared to how big the bubble is. Just to help us visualize it. Her head is 6 cm and her bubble is about 1 3/4 cm. Her head will, of course, grow but the bubble isn't suppose to. Her head is measuring a little small for being 25 wks along, but not to much. They said that it is measuring a week and a half smaller then what it should be. (That is one reason they are sure it is brain tissue in her bubble.)
They have set up appointments for us to go see the doctor that will do the surgery on her cleft lip/palate and also to see the doctor that will be doing the brain surgery. We are sooo anxious to go and talk with them. We will be able find out so much more. We are hoping that they will able to answer all the questions we have. We go to the doctor for her cleft lip/palate on Friday, July 24th, at 9:30. Then on Monday, the 27th, we will go to the neurosurgeon at 9 am and then our regular doc appt, with Dr Mandsagar, right after that. The neurosurgeon just came on staff today (July 1st). They said that if he didn't come on staff this soon, we would had to have gone to Iowa City. PTL!! See another miracle!
We have met and heard from so many new people during the last month. ALL the encouragement and wonderful words are great appreciated. Her first memory book is almost full and we have a 2nd one already bought. God has given us this little girl and we are so excited to see what God has in store for us! Many times we wish our pregnancies away wanting to hold our new little one; I love every kick, hiccup and movement that she does. I will truly miss this when she is born. I told Lenny that I just want to be pregnant forever with her. I know she is safe inside of me and I feel her all the time. We do not see all her problems as a horrible thing in our life, we see it as God is showing us to not take everything for granted and slow down and be happy and ready for each new day. You never know what God has in store for you! Amazing things come out of unfortunate situations. We would never want to change anything that has happened in our life the past 1 1/2 months. God has allowed us to meet and hear from so many people that we never would have met before. There are some amazing people out there. THANK YOU!! We love hearing from you. E-mail us any time. SLSASSMAN@IOWATELECOM.NET or find us on facebook in "Praying for Baby Sassman" group.
Many of you have asked when we are due. She is due to enter the world around Oct 15th. As of right now, he would like to take her a week early. So, right now, somewhere around Oct 7th. I usually go into pre-term labor, so he wasn't sure if we would be able to make the Oct 7th mark. Maybe Lenny will get his way and have a Sept baby. We will see. Praying to keep her in as long as possible though!
Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him. And He will make your path straight.
Job 5: 8-9 But as for me, I would seek God, And I would place my cause before God: Who does great and unsearchable things. Wonders without numbers.
Dan went from his regular cast to his waterproof cast a few weeks ago. He was excited to be able to go swimming.
As of today, July 1st, he was able to get his cast off. They could still see the break but said that they could see the calcium build-up and it is starting to really heal. They allowed him to get his cast off (He broke the waterproof one last week.) and go to a splint. He still has to be very careful and has to go back August 5th for more x-rays to see if he can play tackle football this fall. It hurts a little, but I think what hurts him the worst is that once they took his cast off, he was scratching and he scratched some skin off. They said not to scratch as your skin is weak and it will come right off. (He learned the hard way.) He is so happy to have it off though!
Jake had his testing 2 weeks ago in Gus's Christian Black Belt Academy. He had to do his form, sparring, break boards and do his verses to pass his green belt. He did it and got his blue belt. I wasn't sure if he was going to pass or not. He was struggling, but was able to pass. He has now passed the white belt, orange belt, yellow belt, green belt and is on to his blue belt. Good job Jake! Keep it up and work hard!!!

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