Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Dan right after his surgery. March, 08
Brady getting his cast on. He wanted Blue and Green but since they just can't tie dye casts, he went for blue. (Gee, there is a money maker idea for someone)

Well, here we are.... trying the blogging thing. This is for all our family/friends that we do not see often enough or that we do see but do not get to share all that is going on in our life. We want you to see what we have been up to. This year has been full of "medical"..umm... not fun... how about 'Medical Expense'. In Feb, I took a trip to the ER via Ambulance. I had passed out while running to the bathroom as I thought I was going to be sick. I woke to my kids screaming and my husband trying to get help. Needless to say, I was just fine, it was just kidney stones. March 14 (9 days after his 10th birthday) Dan had his appendix taken out.(4am ER). We had a break during the summer with no doc runs, but then Sept 7th, Brady broke his arm in 2 places while at a friends house. So, hey, we met our deductible this year. :) The rest of the year was uneventful. Well, I will leave you with that and post maybe tomorrow about all the sporting events we are in.
P.S. We have facebook for any of those of you that have that. You can check us out on there.

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