Friday, May 31, 2013

God is in control......

Have you ever just wanted to pack up your family and just run away from life? Run away from reality? Live carefree. I have been there the past few years as I am sure many have. There are times that I think.... ‘Ok God.... I’m to my breaking point, please do not ask me to bear anymore.’ For some reason, God thinks we can handle more and.....He is right, I have never ran away in the past 40 years.  Well, besides the few times during my life when I tried running away from home at a young age. I remember walking up the long gravel driveway and hiding behind the “Neal Deaton Shop” thinking that I am teaching my parents a thing or two. About a 1/2 hour later, I would come back home and my parents acted like they didn’t even notice. They knew that I wouldn’t go too far and wouldn’t be gone long at all. 
There are times as a Mom that I have wanted to run away thinking, ‘How did I go so wrong? Is that really MY kid? My child really wouldn’t act like that or do something like that.’ I am not one of those parents though that think my kids do no wrong.... I am one that I will believe...... they probably did. 
There are times as I wife, a daughter, a sister that I have wanted to run away. I feel like the laundry is never ending, 5 loads a day is no fun. The dishwasher is running at least 3 times a day, the floors are mopped at least 1-2 times a day because there was either something spilled, some project that ended up getting more glue/paint on the floor then on the item, or there was a issue and the diaper didn’t hold it all. The grass needs to stop growing, but the grass needs to start growing in the empty spots that look like it could be a small dirt trap for boys. The house projects are never-ending... and I mean never ending. We have a few that have been 1/2 way done for a few years. Ugh....
There are times that I wanted to run away from Doctors, Nurses, PA, Specialists, Hospitals, Appts, testings. No more holding her down for Blood work, and poking for hours, no more tears as she knows something is up, no more ‘Go to sleep baby girl for the doctors and we will be there to hold you and kiss you when you wake.’ No more wondering what is around the corner, or what will the doc say next. 
God always has a way of showing us that running away from our problems, is not the answer. I will stay awake at night worrying about one thing or another...but God is always right there working it out. God tells us to put our trust in Him and Come to Him with our problems and He will help us. I need to remember that...but there are times that I still try and take care of it myself. The human nature thing is to worry until you come up with a solution.
The bible says so many things about worrying and to trust God. I try and remember a few verses that remind us: 

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7) 
“Then Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?’” (Luke 12:22-26, NIV)

The past few weeks have been a little stressful. We are planning a return trip to Ohio and not having much luck with reasonable lodging, we have a few unexpected financial issues come up,  a few medical things come up, the kids have sooo checked out of school a few weeks ago and the nightly fighting to have them do homework is a struggle,  The to-do list keeps getting longer (Water in the basement is one of many... but I think that is about everyone the past few weeks), the kids locked the keys in the car (And of course the spare set as well. It doesn’t seem like a big deal... but it was just another thing to add to the list of, ‘Please God.. have something go right this week.’ ) I think when we have one of those ‘weeks’ everything seems so much worse than what it is. 

As I was loading up one of the daycare kiddos in the car to bring to preschool this week, My mind was wondering how to handle some of these issues. Khloe likes to go with me to take the kids to preschool. She had informed me that she needed to go potty, So I took her out of the car seat and had her go in to go potty. I was watching her while buckling up my daycare kiddo and it was like God made it so clear to me. I watched my little girl, who has fought to be on this earth, fought to sit-up, fought to walk, who is to be mentally challenged because of brain damage, still fighting some medical issues.... skip down the sidewalk to the house, singing, ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.’ My worries left my mind as a smile came to my face... and tears followed. 
I need to remember all the ‘blessings’ God has given us and be thankful for what God has and is doing for us....instead of worry about the ‘what if’s’ and ‘How will we do this or that.’ God will take care of it all..... I trusted him and put all my faith in Him with one of my precious earthly possession..... my daughter.... and look what God did! 
Thank you God for getting my mind back on track and remembering that you are in control and if I give you all my worries... and my matter how big and small..... you will make it all work out.