Saturday, April 25, 2009


Two posts in one day. Whoa. I'm on a roll....... HA

Well, we have found out a few months ago that we are expecting baby #6 (Well 6th baby for me but 7 total in the family, counting Austin) We are due around the middle of Oct. Brady thinks this baby is all his and no one else. He asked us the other day what he is supposed to do with the baby when he is at school. We asked him what he meant and he said, "Oh, I will just ask my teachers if I can take the baby with me to school." Sure, Brady...... :) I am 15 wks along. I go May 18 to a specialist in DSM for a in depth ultrasound. They say that since I am 'Old' (Over 35) that I have to have one done. The kids are hoping we find out what it is. I told them that I am sure it is another boy as this pregnancy is just like the last 4. I have not had morning sickness but need to make sure to eat every 2 hrs, as if my tummy is empty, then I feel icky. We have made the basement living room into the master bedroom as we are running out of rooms. HA We got the paper in the mail on Friday also. Brady made it into Kindergarten. YEAH!! He is excited to go to 'Big Boy" school with Dan and Jake. He asked the boys if they will play with him at recess.

This is our room now which used to be the family room downstairs. We still have to finish building the closets but other than that it is nice. I have never had a big enough bedroom to have a recliner and a sitting area in it. It is my little get away. We just need a fridge/stove/microwave and we will not leave. HA It is nice during the winter as we have the fireplace in there. I didn't take a pic of the sitting area but we are enjoying it.

Ultrasound at 13 wks along. If you look by the ear, you can see his little hand and arm curled up.

Where do I begin.......

Well, I have not posted since Nov. So here I go. When you look at these pics start at the bottom. I accidentally posted them backwards. SORRY!!!!!! We have Jared, Dan and Brady's birthday. We have the new carpet and Jake passing his White, Orange and Yellow belts for his Christian black Belt Academy. I wanted to catch ya up. In Nov we went to ride the Polar Express train in Boone and also went to Disney on Ice. Dec brought Christmas, which is always wonderful but to expensive. Dec also brought testing for Jake's' White belt. January brought Jared's 13th birthday and also Jared started homeschooling. Feb brought testing for Jake to try and pass his orange belt. March brought Dan and Brady's Birthday and pine derby race. April brought Easter and Jake's testing to pass his yellow belt. So far Jake has passed all of his testings. He is on to his green belt.
Here is another pic that he took of himself. April '09
Brady got ahold of my camera at Jake's black belt testing and he was a little bored and started taking pics of himself. Interesting,eh???? April '09
Jake has now passed his yellow belt and is on to his green belt!!! Way to go Jake! April '09
Grandma VanderHart brought a pinata back from Mexico so we let the kids do it on Easter also. April '09
My kids and my niece and nephews running out for the Easter Egg hunt. April '09
My daycare kids just got done doing their Easter egg hunt and they couldn't wait to dig in! April '09
Jake at the pine derby races. He won design in his class 03/09 Him and Lenny made a semi carrying logs. March '09
Brady at the pine derby races. March '09
Brady's birthday cake. He turned 5. March '09
Dan's other birthday cake for his 11th birthday March '09
Jake was a "rat" in the play at school. March '09
Jake passing his orange belt and moving up to yellow! Feb '09
Dan's birthday cake. He is 11 now! Len & I made this one. March '09
Here is the new carpet! I just love it! I forgot how new carpet feels. I love taking my bare toes and rubbing them through the carpet. Feb '09
Lenny tearing the carpet off the steps Feb '09
Grandpa and boys tearing out the carpet! Feb '09
Tearing out the old mauve carpet! YEAH! I have waited for 5 years to do that~!! Feb '09
Jared's 13th Birthday! Jan '09
Jacob passed his White belt and is onto his orange belt. Dec '08
We rode the "Polar Express Train" in Nov '08